- By SafeSwiss
- In Encryption
The need for encryption in a digital world
It's no secret that the digital landscape makes information security more difficult. Luckily, as threats continue to grow, encryption provides a sound solution.
It's no secret that the digital landscape makes information security more difficult. Luckily, as threats continue to grow, encryption provides a sound solution.
Pokemon Go is an incredibly popular mobile game, but unfortunately it raises questions about data security. How can you protect yourself?
We're all glued to our mobile devices today. Surprisingly, though, many of us aren't willing to take the actions necessary to secure them.
Encryption is a word you hear a lot in terms of cybersecurity, but what does it mean and how does it work?
People think that when they use mobile communication apps like Snapchat, their data is perfectly safe and secure. But is it really?
People are starting to become aware of their needs where mobile security is concerned. It's time for them all to take basic steps to safeguard data.
Mobile data is a big driver of company productivity, but it's also a security risk. Organisations need to make sure their information is secure.
We all use our mobile phones for work these days, not just for play. This adds convenience to our lives, but it also adds risk.
People nowadays use mobile devices for just about every function you can name. This brings great convenience - but also security concerns.
Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives not just at home, but in the office as well. Keeping data encrypted is essential.
A recent court case involving Apple and the FBI threw the issue of encryption into the public spotlight. What does it mean for device users?
The app that pioneered sending secret - and sometimes saucy - snaps that automatically self-destruct can now see, and store, everything you send - even when you no longer can.
The various threats to mobile security are on the rise. While it's a billion dollar problem, the solution is actually free for smartphone users.